Monday, 7 November 2011

William Eggleston - The Red Ceiling

William Eggleston - The Red Ceiling 
From the series Greenwood, Mississippi, 1969-1971

Seen by many as Eggleston's most famous and menacing photograph The Red Ceiling was taken in  Greenwood Mississippi, where he has lived all of his life. Often fascinated in the off beat, mundane and often beautiful happenings of the Deep South Egglestons intimately observed photographs often tweak at curious psychological phenomenon.

He started working in colour film in 1965 and quickly became obsessed with the highly saturated effects you can achieve with dye-transfer printing, most of his photographs contain this richness of colour and air of hyper-reality.  He is particularly famous for this series in red as well as his vast 'Wedgewood Blue' series which is a series of images taken of the sky in 1979.